Pimple is a common dermatological condition in youngsters involving infections and inflammation to the pilosebaceous follicles. A range of factors such as altered follicular keratinisation, immune hypersensitivity, bacterial outgrowth, fungal colonisation etc., are responsible for the condition. This condition of multifactorial chronic inflammatory disease can produce long term scars on skin and hamper one's confidence causing psychological distress. Acne involves seborrhea, inflammatory lesions, non-inflammatory lesions and cyst formation, and its spread on skin surface results in the production of high density pilosebaceous units that is distributed across the shoulders, back and neck. Herbal acne treatment can provide easy ways to people who want to know how to prevent and reduce pimples.
To find the best ways to know how to prevent and reduce pimples, a collection of anti-acne herbs can be applied on skin. These herbs help in nourishing skin and providing human body with nutrients to prevent the spread of infections.
The problem of pimples involves different factors where the sebum lipids quality changes and follicular hyperkeratinization with proliferation of acne within the follicle can be found. The relation between acne and androgen levels has been established by researchers and hypertrophy of glands with sebum production can be seen. The excess flow of sebum can cause pilosebaceous follicles inflammation which is supported by immune response.
Also the condition induces keratinocyte hyper proliferation. The problem of imbalance of androgen levels and hypertrophy of the glands can be regulated by taking herbs such as Exadirecta indica, Terminalia Chebula, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Rubia cordifolia, Ocimum sanctum etc. A combination of anti-pimple herbs can be found in Golden Glow capsules, natural pimples remedy where the extracts of rare herbs show anti-inflammatory effects. These herbs can also reduce secretion of harmful body chemicals responsible for blocking follicles.
For example - Ocimum oils are effective in curing acne and this was tested in laboratory where it was observed that the essential oils collected from the herb species Ocimum showed significant antimicrobial activity against E. coli, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, methicillin resistant S. aureus, C. albicans, A. niger and P. acnes.
To know how to prevent and reduce pimples researchers have been experimenting on the properties of plant-extracts and it was observed that the leaves and seeds of some herbs have anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and free radical scavenging effects on skin layers, which helps in preventing the formation of acne and spread of infections across the skin surface.
Herbal extracts and phyto-chemicals collected from medicinal plants have soothing effect on skin as compared to laboratory based harsh chemicals and this protects the loss of natural moisture and elasticity. The antioxidant activities induced by plant based species not only affect external layers but it can seep into the cell walls of skin surface and improve membrane functions, electron transportation, enzyme activities and protein synthesis. The flavonoids and phyto-components can improve skin structure and have anti-microbial effects on external agents responsible for acne e.g. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes and hence, herbs give the most appropriate ways to know how to prevent and reduce pimples.

The problem of pimples involves different factors where the sebum lipids quality changes and follicular hyperkeratinization with proliferation of acne within the follicle can be found. The relation between acne and androgen levels has been established by researchers and hypertrophy of glands with sebum production can be seen. The excess flow of sebum can cause pilosebaceous follicles inflammation which is supported by immune response.
Also the condition induces keratinocyte hyper proliferation. The problem of imbalance of androgen levels and hypertrophy of the glands can be regulated by taking herbs such as Exadirecta indica, Terminalia Chebula, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Rubia cordifolia, Ocimum sanctum etc. A combination of anti-pimple herbs can be found in Golden Glow capsules, natural pimples remedy where the extracts of rare herbs show anti-inflammatory effects. These herbs can also reduce secretion of harmful body chemicals responsible for blocking follicles.
For example - Ocimum oils are effective in curing acne and this was tested in laboratory where it was observed that the essential oils collected from the herb species Ocimum showed significant antimicrobial activity against E. coli, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, methicillin resistant S. aureus, C. albicans, A. niger and P. acnes.
To know how to prevent and reduce pimples researchers have been experimenting on the properties of plant-extracts and it was observed that the leaves and seeds of some herbs have anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and free radical scavenging effects on skin layers, which helps in preventing the formation of acne and spread of infections across the skin surface.
Herbal extracts and phyto-chemicals collected from medicinal plants have soothing effect on skin as compared to laboratory based harsh chemicals and this protects the loss of natural moisture and elasticity. The antioxidant activities induced by plant based species not only affect external layers but it can seep into the cell walls of skin surface and improve membrane functions, electron transportation, enzyme activities and protein synthesis. The flavonoids and phyto-components can improve skin structure and have anti-microbial effects on external agents responsible for acne e.g. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes and hence, herbs give the most appropriate ways to know how to prevent and reduce pimples.
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