Ayurvedic Remedies

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Natural Methods To Increase Weight Fast Without Side Effects

It is generally seen that thin and lean people face problems with their physical appearance. These people are recommended to look for methods to increase weight fast. The reason is that when they maintain lean body for long, they will face the following issues:

1. Decrease in muscle mass, skin complexion, immunity and digestive power.

2. They will become prone to repeated infections, digestive problems like peptic ulcers, constipation and debility.

3. Ayurveda states that they will face a severe increase in the vata dosha level in their body, which in turn will bring about issues in the healthy functioning of joints.

Weight Gainer Supplement
Issues caused by severe weight loss: Lean people are recommended weight gainer supplement to increase weight fast without side effects. The reason is that severe weight loss can bring the following ill-effects to their body apart from those mentioned above:

1. Reduction in semen and muscle tissue in men

2. Continuous pain in chest, cough and fever

3. Weakness in healthy functioning of ear

4. Insanity

5. Obstruction in passage of urine and stool

6. Pain in regions of the body like lumbar, thigh and calf

7. Even, they may experience cracking pain in joints, bones and fingers.

So, when lean individuals are looking to increase weight fast without side effects, they should be careful about choosing a remedy that can provide long-term nourishment to their body.

How to improve weight?

To add on weight, it is important that an improvement should be brought about in the process of digestion and also the individual should be made to feel hungry to take nutritious foods. Furthermore, the body should be prepared to absorb nutrients from the healthy foods consumed to bring about a natural growth. In addition, it is important that intestinal worms should be cleared. The reason is that these worms prevent people from gaining weight by consuming the nutritious substances from the foods that are consumed by individuals.

How to achieve all these things?

To achieve the above-mentioned things and to increase weight fast without side effects, the effective herbal remedy called as FitOFat capsules can be used by men and women. These herbal muscle gainer pills bring about effective results because of the ingredients and here are some of them to know:

1. Safed musli can help in bringing a natural improvement in the energy level in the body. It can help in maintaining normal metabolic activities. As faster metabolism is stated as one among the many reasons for skinny look in individuals, when the metabolism rate of corrected, it will help with weight gain. Correcting metabolism is one of the best methods to increase weight fast.

2. Ashwagandha is another ingredient in FitOFat capsules that can relieve stress and can induce good sleep. When these issues are corrected, it will help with gaining weight.

FitOFat capsules have many other ingredients and so it is stated as the best methods to increase weight fast.

Herbal Weight Gain Treatment To Raise Body Weight Fast

In some people, weight loss is something that happens due to reduction of muscle mass, fat and body fluids. These people begin to look for ways to raise body weight. Loss of body mass can happen due to different reasons like inappropriate diet and even, it can be caused due to some illnesses in the body. If an individual is concerned about weight loss, the best thing he/she can do is to rely on herbal weight gain treatment. The reason is that this is the safe alternative that does not cause any side effects, apart from bringing overall health benefits.

Weight Gainer Supplement
Reasons for weight loss: Some people, who are concerned about the loss of body mass, would be interested in understanding the reasons behind the same, before actually looking for any herbal muscle gainer pills. This is the right idea and here are some reasons that can contribute towards weight loss in people:

1. Excess alcoholism
2. Ulcerative colitis
3. Tuberculosis
4. Peptic Ulcer
5. Hyperthyroidism
6. Hypothyroidism
7. Heart failure
9. Diabetes
10. Depression
11. Bulimia and anorexia
12. Addison's Disease
13. Dementia
14. Cancer.

Apart from the above-mentioned reasons, the following other reasons can also contribute towards weight loss in people:

1. Bowel Obstruction
2. Mal Absorption
3. Infections caused by parasites
4. Medications taken for some conditions
5. Dental health issues.

Before taking steps to raise body weight, it is also recommended that men and women can identify that they need a treatment, when the experience the following symptoms:

Symptoms that shows that a weight loss treatment is important:

1. Fatigue
2. Not feeling hungry or feeling fullness immediately after consumption of a small amount of food
3. Changes in the bowel movement that cannot be explained
4. Shortness of breath
5. Sudden loss of more than 10% of body weight within a period of six months, without any intention.

Generally, when an individual looks to raise body weight, it is important that he/she should choose to achieve this goal in a healthy fashion. The reason is that unhealthy weight gain can lead to many health issues. Here, herbal weight gain treatment can help in gaining weight in a healthy manner as this sort of treatment will never cause any side effects.

Herbal remedy: As mentioned earlier, weight gainer supplement can be safe and here comes such a remedy called as FitOFat capsules that will help men and women in achieving weight gain in a healthy fashion. They can use these capsules for the recommended period of 3 to 4 months or until they achieve their desired weight without any fear about side effects. In addition, the ingredients present in this herbal weight gain treatment relieves all the underlying reasons that prevent people from gaining weight like loss of appetite, depression, improper digestion, inadequate sleep and lack of nutrition absorption. With this excellent herbal remedy, gaining weight is something easier these days for men and women, who have been longing for the same for quite a number of years.

Obtain Perfect Weight, Get Rid Of Skinny Body

Most of us feel that weight loss is the real challenge for many men and women from around the globe. But, the fact is that there are some people, who struggle to add on weight. The too much thin look prevents them from taking part in social gatherings and they feel embarrassed for being too skinny. They think about ways to get rid of skinny body, such that they can achieve a perfect body shape. The relieving news available for these men and women to gain muscle and to achieve a perfect body shape is that they can find herbal remedies that will help. Here comes the herbal remedy called as FitOFat capsules to their rescue.

Weight Gainer Supplement
What are FitOFat capsules?

These are herbal remedies with all natural ingredients to help men and women obtain perfect weight. Here are some details as to how these herbal muscle gainer pills work:

1. This revolutionary product is made out of potent herbs and natural nutrients that make them effective remedies.

2. This can be the ideal remedy for gaining muscles at a faster pace and it will also help them in achieving the right physical personality

3. Also, this herbal remedy can be taken by a man or a woman, until he/she achieves the desired weight, without the fear of any side effects as it is made out of all natural ingredients.

4. When these capsules are taken on a regular basis along with the right diet and exercise regimen, men and women can easily get rid of skinny body.

5. To increase muscle mass and body weight naturally, this product can work in a number of ways. For instance, it can improve appetite to increase food consumption, it can improve nutritional absorption in the body and it can improve the digestion process as well, apart from relieving stress and other factors preventing men and women from gaining weight.

6. In addition, it will also help with improving physical strength and stamina and total fitness as well.

Due to the above-mentioned reasons, it will be possible for men and women to obtain perfect weight.

Different herbs perform different functions:

1. Makoy and Aarndakakdi are the herbal ingredients in this multi-ingredient weight gainer supplement to improve appetite. When appetite or desire towards food is improved and when appropriate healthy foods are taken, natural weight gain will become possible.

2. These two herbs along with many other herbs can help with improvement of digestive functions in the body. When the digestion happens in the right manner, unwanted toxins that prevent men and women from gaining weight will be effective excavated from the body, thereby making natural weight gain possible.

3. Ashwagandha as most of us know is an excellent stress reliever and it can induce good sleep as well. Stress and sleeplessness are major contributors that prevent men and women from gaining weight and this issue will be addressed rightly by this ingredient to help the users to get rid of skinny body.

Added to these ingredients, there are many other ingredients in these capsules to help the users to obtain perfect weight.

Herbal Weight Gainer Products For Women To Get In Perfect Body Shape

Due to the attention on weight loss supplements for women available in the market, finding products to help them gaining weight can be highly tricky. To make things worse, most of the weight gain products are marketed to benefit men and are formulated for boosting testosterone level and for addressing concerns that cause weight loss in men. However, there are supplements that can help women get in perfect body shape.

Natural Weight Gainer Supplements
How can women gain weight?

It is stated that women can gain weight by adding nutritious foods to their diet. But, some women are not able to gain weight even after taking some nutritious foods. This is where herbal weight gainer products for women can help. The reason is that this remedy will help in improving the absorption capacity of the body to get the nutrition from the foods consumed.

Lack of hunger: Some women cannot take foods, just because their body naturally has poor appetizing properties. Here too herbal muscle gainer pills called as FitOFat capsules can help in naturally improving the appetite. When hunger is increased with this capacity and when women take healthy foods the nutrition absorbing capacity gained by the body with the help of these capsules can help women to get in perfect body shape.

Improper digestion: Even, improper digestion will prevent women from gaining weight and this is why the herbal constituents in these pills can help with improving digestion process. When foods are properly digested, the nutrients will reach the different organs to ensure their proper growth.

Total body fitness: Women can get in perfect body shape with the help of these capsules as it can improve total body fitness just because of the effective constituents here in. Each and every part of the body will be strengthened and there will be a natural improvement in the stamina due to the effective constituents in FitOFat capsules.

Recommendation: It is recommended that women taking this herbal remedy should drink plenty of water and fresh juices, during the course of taking these capsules. Also, they are recommended to use these herbal remedies for a period of 3 to 4 months continuously for obtaining optimum results.

Effective ingredients: These are stated as the ideal herbal weight gainer products for women, just because of the effective ingredients and this is a multi-ingredient weight gainer supplement that can address different issues that prevents women from gaining weight. Here is the list of constituents of these pills like Ashwagandha, Vidarikhand, Amla, Chitrak, Makoy, Nagkesar, Shatavari, Pipal, Jarool, Arlu, Malkangani, Punarnva, Sarpunkha, Sonth, Bhringraj, Jaiphal, Kesar, Swarna bang and Kavach beej.

There are many other ingredients as well in these pills to help women to achieve what is called as perfect body shape, such that they can try out any new attire introduced in the market.

How To Achieve Perfect Body Weight Without Exercise?

Generally, it is stated that a good exercise regimen along with appropriate diet will play an important role towards helping men and women in achieving the ideal body weight. But, some of them do not want to indulge in any workout sessions, just because they hate spending some time every day towards workout session. These men and women have a question as to whether they can achieve perfect body weight without exercise. The answer to this doubt is affirmative. The reason is that they can rely on herbal remedy called as FitOFat capsules that will help them in achieving the right weight for those, who are concerned about their underweight. Here, these capsules are made out of all natural ingredients. The herbs used in the preparation of these herbal muscle gainer pills will help in getting the right kind of nutrients for the foods consumed, thereby helping people to get the right body shape.

Weight Gainer Supplement


1. It can provide relief to burning sensation and it can provide relief to rheumatoid arthritis, gout and nervine debility.

2. It will help in promotion of bile secretion and it can relieve diseases related to stomach.

3. It can help with flatulence as well. When stomach is healthy it ensures perfect body weight without even doing exercises.


1. This herbal ingredient can act as anti tumorganic and antacid agent.

2. It is known to be the ideal rejuvenating medicine and it can cure insomnia. Sleeplessness is stated as the important reason behind inability in achieving perfect body weight. When this issue is addressed, people can achieve perfect body weight without exercise.

3. As it is a rich source of vitamin C, it is useful in providing relief to anemia, diabetes, asthma, jaundice, dyspepsia and bronchitis.


1. Pipal can provide excellent remedy for people, who experience frequent evacuation, just because of the feeling of incomplete defecation.

2. This ingredient can help with chest infection and sinus problems.

3. It can relieve gas formation in stomach.


1. This is stated as an ingredient that is known to be effective for reproductive health in women.

2. This herbal ingredient is helpful in providing relief from irregular painful menstruation, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids and so it can cure anemia as well.


1. This ingredient in FitOFat capsule, weight gainer supplement will help with improving digestive capacity of stomach, such that unwanted toxins will be relieved from the body.

2. It can work as a brain tonic and can relieve hysteria and debility.

3. It can relieve headache and throat pain.

4. It can correct body metabolism and can pacify the fire content in the body.

These capsules can help to achieve perfect body weight without exercise because of the many other ingredients that play their own role in ensuring that the right weight is maintained.

Herbal Weight Gainer Pills For Women To Gain Weight Speedy

Reports state that underweight women are at greater risk of miscarriages. So, women, particularly those in childbearing age and those planning for a pregnancy should be highly careful to make sure that they maintain an ideal weight. It is true that being overweight can create complications in pregnancy, but being underweight can also lead to issues both to the mom and the growing fetus. Not only women at this age, but also women under any age group should look for remedies that can help them add on some weight naturally. This is where herbal weight gainer pills for women called as FitOFat capsules can help them.

Natural Weight Gainer Supplements For Women
How do these capsules work?

These capsules work mainly because of the effective ingredients present. This is actually a multi-ingredient remedy with each of the herbal ingredient contributing in some way or another towards helping the users to gain weight. For instance, some of them relieve stress, which is stated as the important reason behind underweight in some women, while other contribute towards healthy digestive system functioning. It is stated that improper digestive system function can also prevent some women from gaining weight.

Ingredients in FitOFat capsules: These herbal weight gainer pills for women are made out of the healthy ingredients that are being used for several years to provide excellent remedy to underweight and factors contributing towards underweight in women. Now, let us get into the details about some of the ingredients present in this multi-ingredient weight gainer supplement:

Malkangni: This is an excellent remedy for people suffering from loss of appetite. Some people do not feel hungry due to this reason and when they do not eat, they cannot gain weight. But, this herbal ingredient present in FitOFat capsules can cure this issue and will promote hunger, such that healthy eating will be possible to gain weight.

Arlu: This herbal ingredient is added to herbal weight gainer pills for women due to its effectiveness in providing cure to a wide range of illnesses like ulcers, stomach ache, rheumatism, enlarged spleen, etc. It is known for its carminative properties and its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties will also help in overall health and it is known to induce conception in women as well.

Chilkamakoy: This ingredient can work internally for improving the growth of muscles. This ingredient is also known to make sure that the body gets the right nutrition from the foods consumed. This is the reason why it is added to the herbal muscle gainer pills.

Jarool: This herbal ingredient can help in the pills to gain weight because it is rich in glucose, zinc, vitamins, tannins, minerals, magnesium and carbohydrates. It is mainly known for its effectiveness in bringing down blood sugar level as diabetes can also be the cause behind underweight in women.

So, women looking to get to the best shape can rely on pills to gain weight called as FitOFat capsules that has many other ingredients apart from those mentioned above.

Herbal Weight Gainer Pills To Increase Weight Fast And Quickly

Herbal weight gainer pills to increase weight can be the ideal and safe method for increasing muscle mass. The nature has blessed the human life with a wide range of herbs. When they are selected and processed in the right manner and are mixed in the right proportion, they become competent enough in handling different health issues. This is what FitOFat capsule is all about as it can provide the excellent remedy for those concerned about their underweight.

Best Muscle Gainer Supplement
What are FitOFat capsules and its uses?

1. This is a revolutionary herbal formula that is made from handpicked herbs that have the long history of providing relief for people struggling to gain weight.

2. This can be the ideal remedy for those looking for ways to increase weight fast and quickly.

3. It will help in improving personality and physical strength as well.

4. These herbal muscle gainer pills are made out of all-natural ingredients; they do not cause any side effects and can be used on a long-term basis without fear.

5. The herbal ingredients present in these capsules can work in a number of ways to increase body weight in a natural manner.

6. They help in improving digestion, increasing appetite and will help in enabling the body to absorb the nutritional value from the foods consumed. This will in turn help to increase weight fast and quickly.

7. It is recommended that when taking any herbal remedy, it is important to look at the ingredients and here also FitOFat capsules wins. The reason is that it is made out of time-tested herbal ingredients that can bring about a natural improvement in the body weight.

Ingredients: As mentioned earlier, there are many ingredients in these herbal weight gainer pills to increase weight and the details about some of them are as follows:

Sarpunka: It can improve the functioning of liver and can cure enlarged spleen issue. It is helpful in alleviating swelling in any part of the body and it has properties to heal wounds as well. It can help in improving appetite and can provide remedy to loss of taste as well. It will help in better bile secretion to ensure proper liver functioning. When liver functioning happens in the right manner in the body, the digestion and other functions will also happen in the right manner to increase weight fast and quickly.

Punarnava: This herbal ingredient in weight gainer supplement can help in rejuvenating each and every part of the body system. It is known to purify the blood and gastric juices and it can help in fighting against weakness in the body caused due to joint pain. It can treat intestinal colic and nervous weakness as well. It is known to support optimal weight management, thereby forming part of the herbal weight gainer pills to increase weight. It will also ensure healthy flow or urine.

There are many other ingredients to make this herbal remedy the right choice for people looking for healthy weight gain.

Natural Weight Gainer Supplements For Men To Increase Weight Fast

Even though, as compared to women, men are able to achieve what is called as ideal weight, some men still have difficulty in achieving it and the skinny appearance make many men feel ashamed about themselves. This type of physique also drags their self-confidence level to a great extent. But, men are advised not to opt for unsafe methods to increase weight fast. The reason is that unhealthy methods will surely have a toll on their overall health and so they should always think about going in the right path to boost their weight. This is where natural weight gainer supplements for men can help.

Natural Weight Gainer Supplements
What are these supplements?

The supplements called as FitOFat capsules can provide the intended results for men. The reason is that these capsules are made out of all natural ingredients and the herbal components of this weight gainer supplement works along with each other to address the underlying cause behind underweight in men to help them achieve the ideal weight that will correspond to their age and height.

What does FitOFat capsules constitute?

These natural weight gainer supplements for men as mentioned earlier have all-natural ingredients to bring the intended result. Here are the details about the effective ingredients that make these herbal remedies effective:

Nutmeg or Jaiphal: Even though, it is used as a spice in cuisines sparingly, it can still bring about a positive impact on the health of individuals. Yes, it will help to increase weight fast because of its nutritive contents of organic compounds, minerals and vitamins. This ingredient is rich in dietary fiber, copper, magnesium, folate, vitamin B6 and thiamine. All these things can help the body in achieving the right level of nutrition needed for healthy growth. It can help with pain relief, digestive health, brain health, oral health and many other issues.

Piper longum: This herbal ingredient is useful in treatment of chest infection and sinus problem. These things can affect the health and can prevent people from gaining weight. So, this herbal ingredient is added to provide relief for these issues and so it will help to increase weight fast.

Bhringraj: This herbal ingredient in herbal muscle gainer pills is known for its effectiveness in normalizing kapha dosha and vata dosha. It is known to work as a tonic for improving health. It is known to provide rejuvenation to each and every part of the body. When all of them function in the effective manner, the nutrition from the foods consumed will rightly reach the body to help people to gain weight in a natural manner. It is known for its anti-aging properties as well.

Sonth: It can help in preventing cold and flu and this means that it will improve the immune system functioning to fight against these smaller ailments that can weaken the individuals. This is why it is added as an ingredient in natural weight gainer supplements for men.

Natural Methods To Gain Body Fat Fast And Quickly

Gaining weight is as difficult as weight loss in some people. Different reasons like increased physical activities, poor choice of eatables, prolonged gap between meals and inadequate feeding habits are stated as reasons behind this difficulty in gaining weight. There are other reasons like malfunctioning of the food absorption process in the body, which might be caused due to illnesses like hormonal imbalances, cancer or tuberculosis. Even, disorders related to eating like bulimia or anorexia nervosa can be the contributing factors. These skinny people should look for natural methods to gain body fat fast, rather than relying on some unsafe methods that can cause side effects along with body weight gain.

Muscle Gainer Supplement
Safe method to gain weight: People can take the help of weight gainer supplement called as FitOFat capsules to gain weight as the best among the natural methods to gain body fat quickly. These capsules help in weight gain by addressing all the underlying reasons behind underweight and this is possible because of the different herbal ingredients present.

Constituents of FitOFat capsules:

Ashwagandha: This herbal ingredient can provide rejuvenation to the entire body and it can provide relief from stress related disorders. If an individual has difficulty in gaining weight because of excessive stress, it will be relieved with this herbal ingredient. In addition, lean people are prone to infections, due to poor immune function and this will be prevented due to ashwagandha. The reason is that this herb naturally increases the white blood count and prepares the body for the production of antigens to fight against infections.

Vidarikand: This herb is added as the ingredient to natural methods to gain body fat quickly because it can act as a general health tonic. It can bring about a boost to the stamina level in the body naturally and it can also improve the immune function as well.

Kavach Beej: This herbal ingredient is added as a part of the natural methods to gain body fat fast because it can promote sound physical health and it can bring about a natural improvement to the energy levels in the body. It is added to FitOFat capsules, herbal muscle gainer pills mainly due to the fact that it can promote gain in muscle mass. So, it will help in gaining muscles in people suffering from lean muscles.

Swarna Bang: This is added as an ingredient because it can boost immunity and concentration. It will help in treating premature hair graying and sexual health issues like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men. It can provide relief to disorders caused due to kapha and vata imbalance in the body.

Saffron: This herbal ingredient can help in improving body weight in a natural manner. This is why it forms an important part in the natural methods to gain body fat fast.

Not just these herbs as ingredients, FitOFat capsules have many other ingredients making these capsules as one among the best natural methods to gain body fat quickly.

Natural Herbal Supplements Pills To Gain Body Fat Fast

There is a term called as 'ideal weight' that denotes that an individual maintains the right weight as per his/her height, age and sex. This individual will be identified as a moderately underweight individual, if the weight is 10 percent less than the ideal weight and if it is 20 percent below the ideal weight, he/she will be identified as underweight. These individuals can take supplements to gain body fat fast. When it comes to the selection of the right supplement, going herbal can be the best as against relying on some unsafe methods for the same. Before getting into the details about the herbal remedy, it can be the ideal choice to understand the causes and symptoms of underweight:

Muscle Gainer Supplement
Causes and symptoms of underweight: When an individual is thin because of inadequate calorie intake, this can be a serious problem, particularly when the individual is young. The reason is that these individuals feel tired quickly and they tend to face poor physical stamina. Even, their body will have lesser resistance to infections.

The underweight may be caused due to intake of inadequate nutritional foods or it can also be caused due to excessive physical activities as well. Other factors like emotional weakness, poor eating habits like routine fasting, tiny meals, skipping meals and inadequate exercises can also lead to difficulty in gaining weight. But, these people can get the intended weight gain with herbal supplements to gain body fat fast.

What is the solution?

As mentioned earlier, there are herbal muscle gainer pills to gain body fat fast. The pills called as FitOFat capsules that are made out of healthy ingredients can help men and women in achieving what is called as ideal weight, if they have been struggling to add on some weight to their body.

Effective ingredients in FitOFat capsules: These pills to gain body fat fast can bring positive results on people looking for ways to gain weight because of the effective ingredients present and here are some details in this regard:


1. This ingredient can bring down vata dosha and can normalize kapha dosha.

2. It is stated as a rejuvenating herb in ayurveda and it is generally recommended for keeping the body fit and healthy. This is the reason why it is added to FitOFat capsules.

3. It is also known for its anti-aging properties and it can relieve post-delivery pain in uterine.

Safed Musli:

1. This herb is commonly known for its aphrodisiac properties.

2. It can bring about an increase in the energy level in patients with asthma.

3. It can strengthen the immune system, thereby enabling the individual to fight against illnesses.

4. Even though, it is added to weight gainer supplement to gain body fat fast, it will control the weight, such that the weight does not go beyond the ideal weight, due to other herbal ingredient in the product.

There are many other ingredients in these supplements to gain body fat fast to help people achieve ideal body weight in a healthy and safe manner.